Anise Hyssop Tea I One Ounce
Anise hyssop is a member of the mint family. Herbs in the mint family are aromatic, and when hyssop is crushed, the leaves emit a sweet, licorice-like aroma.
Hyssop can be used fresh or dried to add to tea blends for colds and digestive support. It could also be used as a steam, tea, or wash.
Native Americans used hyssop as a respiratory aid and to reduce fever. The Cheyenne created cold infusions with the leaves of hyssop to comfort chest pain from coughing and as a cold remedy. The Iroquois created a wash with hyssop to treat poison ivy and itch. Poultices of hyssop leaves and flowers were also placed on swollen areas for relief.
Ceremonially, the Cree included these beautiful flowers in medicine bundles, believing the plant offered protection from evil spirits. Medicine bundles are different than medicine bags; a bundle would be one or more plants wrapped and held together by a string in a “bundle” and used in a smoke ceremony. Medicine bags are leather pouches worn around the neck or waist that carry medicinal herbs.
Anise hyssop is a member of the mint family. Herbs in the mint family are aromatic, and when hyssop is crushed, the leaves emit a sweet, licorice-like aroma.
Hyssop can be used fresh or dried to add to tea blends for colds and digestive support. It could also be used as a steam, tea, or wash.
Native Americans used hyssop as a respiratory aid and to reduce fever. The Cheyenne created cold infusions with the leaves of hyssop to comfort chest pain from coughing and as a cold remedy. The Iroquois created a wash with hyssop to treat poison ivy and itch. Poultices of hyssop leaves and flowers were also placed on swollen areas for relief.
Ceremonially, the Cree included these beautiful flowers in medicine bundles, believing the plant offered protection from evil spirits. Medicine bundles are different than medicine bags; a bundle would be one or more plants wrapped and held together by a string in a “bundle” and used in a smoke ceremony. Medicine bags are leather pouches worn around the neck or waist that carry medicinal herbs.
Anise hyssop is a member of the mint family. Herbs in the mint family are aromatic, and when hyssop is crushed, the leaves emit a sweet, licorice-like aroma.
Hyssop can be used fresh or dried to add to tea blends for colds and digestive support. It could also be used as a steam, tea, or wash.
Native Americans used hyssop as a respiratory aid and to reduce fever. The Cheyenne created cold infusions with the leaves of hyssop to comfort chest pain from coughing and as a cold remedy. The Iroquois created a wash with hyssop to treat poison ivy and itch. Poultices of hyssop leaves and flowers were also placed on swollen areas for relief.
Ceremonially, the Cree included these beautiful flowers in medicine bundles, believing the plant offered protection from evil spirits. Medicine bundles are different than medicine bags; a bundle would be one or more plants wrapped and held together by a string in a “bundle” and used in a smoke ceremony. Medicine bags are leather pouches worn around the neck or waist that carry medicinal herbs.